
Have a cold or flu? Here's how to know if you can still work out: ‘Use the neck check’


Should you exercise when you're sick with cold or flu? Experts revealed how to handle this







By Shiv Sudhakar Fox News

Released on October 16, 2023 at 1:47pm EDT

Dealing with the cold and flu can significantly affect your daily routine, including your exercise habits. However, it is not always necessary to completely abandon your workout routine when you fall ill.


***ccording to Teddy Savage, the national lead trainer at Planet Fitness based in Baltimore, Maryland, it is safe to say that no one enjoys being sick or feeling unwell.

“每个人都希望保持健康和身体舒适。”驻马里兰州巴尔的摩市的Planet健身中心的国家级教练Teddy Savage告诉Fox新闻媒体。

The great news is that there are effective methods to swiftly regain your sense of self and restore your energy levels and stamina in a short period of time.


Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind when exercising during the cold season.


1. 穿着合适:选择适合寒冷天气的运动服装,包括保暖的内衣、中间层和外套。同时,戴上帽子、手套和围巾等保护头部和四肢的装备。

2. 热身运动:在寒冷的天气中,肌肉更容易受伤。因此,在开始锻炼之前,进行适当的热身运动,如跳绳、慢跑或做一些简单的伸展动作,以增加身体的温度和灵活性。

3. 注意保暖:在锻炼过程中,保持身体的温暖非常重要。可以选择在室内进行锻炼,或者选择在户外锻炼时选择阳光充足的时间段。如果锻炼时间较长,可以考虑穿上透气但保暖的衣物,以防止身体过冷。

4. 饮食补充:寒冷的天气会增加身体的能量消耗,因此在锻炼前后要注意合理的饮食补充。增加碳水化合物和蛋白质的摄入,以提供足够的能量和修复肌肉。

5. 注意水分摄入:虽然在寒冷的天气中可能不容易感到口渴,但仍然需要保持足够的水分摄入。在锻炼前后喝足够的水,以保持身体的水平衡。

6. 监测身体状况:在寒冷的天气中锻炼可能会增加心脏和呼吸系统的负担。因此,如果感到胸闷、呼吸困难或心跳过快等不适症状,应立即停止锻炼并就医。

7. 注意安全:在寒冷的天气中,地面可能会变得湿滑,增加摔倒的风险。选择安全的锻炼场所,并确保使用适合的鞋子,以提供良好的抓地力。


Check with your doctor


Savage advises prioritizing the initial step of obtaining the necessary approval from your primary care physician before resuming any physical activity.


***ccording to the ***merican Lung ***ssociation, engaging in mild or moderate exercise is generally considered safe even if you have mild cold symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing.



Engaging in mild or moderate exercise is generally acceptable when experiencing mild cold symptoms, such as a runny nose or nasal congestion.

However, experts advise against going at full speed.


To minimize the chances of injury or your cold worsening into a more severe condition, it is advisable to decrease the duration and intensity of your activities when you are unwell.


For instance, rather than engaging in a vigorous run, you might want to contemplate taking a leisurely stroll outdoors.


Symptoms above the neck or below?


***ccording to Dr. William Roberts, the chief medical officer of the ***merican College of Sports Medicine (***CSM) in Mahtomedi, Minnesota, he typically relies on the neck check method.

“我经常使用脖子检查法”,美国运动医学院(***CSM)首席医疗专家William Roberts医学博士告诉Fox新闻媒体。他表示,这种方法在Minnesota州Mahtomedi得到了广泛应用。

In an email, he mentioned that if your symptoms are limited to above the neck, it is generally safe to continue with your exercise routine, as long as it doesn't exacerbate your condition. It may be advisable to reduce the intensity of your workout, if necessary.



Once you begin to experience improvements in your condition, you can slowly resume your regular exercise regimen.

"If you are experiencing a fever or symptoms below the neck, such as a sore throat, cough, or difficulty breathing, it is important to refrain from exercising until you have fully recovered or have received clearance from your doctor."


***ccording to Dr. Matthew Silvis, a sports medicine physician at Penn State Health in Pennsylvania, athletes are not allowed to participate if they experience symptoms below the neck, such as fevers, chills, body aches, fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, coughing, wheezing, diarrhea, or stomach pain. Dr. Silvis shared this information with Fox News Digital via email.

根据Pennsylvania州Penn州立大学健康中心的运动医学医生Matthew Silvis博士在一封邮件中告诉Fox新闻媒体,如果运动员出现颈部以下症状(如发烧/发冷、身体疼痛、疲劳、喉咙痛、淋巴结肿大、咳嗽/喘息、腹泻/胃痛),则会被禁止参赛。

If you experience severe symptoms like a high fever, widespread muscle aches, or an upset stomach, it is important to give your body a break from exercise in order to allow it to heal.


The Mayo Clinic advises individuals with COVID-19 or other contagious illnesses to refrain from exercising with others.


Listen to your body


Experts recommend that we should pay attention to the messages our bodies are trying to convey.



If you experience severe symptoms like a fever and muscle aches throughout your body, it is important to prioritize rest and take a break from exercising.

If we are feeling too unwell to exercise, there is no need to be concerned.


***ccording to Mayo Clinic, taking a few days off to recover will not negatively impact our exercise performance.


Once you begin to experience improvement in your condition, it is important to gradually reintroduce your regular exercise routine.


Start with low impact exercise


Savage recommended starting with these gentle exercises to regain your strength, stamina, and energy, after receiving medical clearance.


Begin by engaging in a gentle form of exercise that elevates the heart rate, such as taking a brisk walk on the treadmill.


He added that by allowing the user to control the speed and incline, it enables them to engage their entire body, pay attention to their breathing, and gradually reinvigorate their cardiovascular system.


Savage advised that when you start strength training again, it is important to avoid pushing yourself too hard and too fast.


He suggested steering clear of lifting heavy weights and focusing instead on exercises that place the muscles under beneficial strain.


For instance, opt for strength equipment that promotes proper posture and begin with a lighter weight, gradually increasing the intensity as you progress.


To prevent the risk of overtraining and give yourself enough time to recover, it is advisable for individuals to consider taking longer rest periods between sets, typically ranging from 60 to 90 seconds. This not only helps in avoiding the temptation to push beyond one's limits but also allows for a sufficient recovery of breath.


Remember to hydrate


Savage emphasized the significance of hydration in the process of recovering one's health after an illness.



Replenishing your body with fluids is crucial for recovering your health after an illness.

Make sure to have your water nearby and take small sips throughout your workout instead of waiting until you become thirsty.


He also emphasizes the importance of setting aside time at the conclusion of the exercise session to engage in stretching exercises, regulate breathing, and tune in to the body's signals.





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